What to expect

If you have never been to an Anglican service or are unfamiliar with liturgy, your first visit to Mission Saint James could catch you by surprise. We follow a bulletin filled with written prayers, Scripture, and information about the service. This guide will give you an idea of what to expect.

Liturgy of the Word

The first half of an Anglican service is called the Liturgy of the Word. We begin with an opening hymn or song. Music at Mission Saint James blends contemporary hymns and songs with more familiar hymns from the church’s past. The priest leading the service (also known as the celebrant) will lead in call-and-response portions leading up to four Scripture readings. Each week, we read an Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament epistle, and a Gospel passage. The gospel passage is read by a deacon or priest from the middle of the congregation, symbolizing the Word of God, Jesus Christ, coming down from heaven and teaching in the midst of his people. A twenty-minute sermon follows and concludes with all reciting the Nicene Creed. After praying for the Church and the World in the Prayers of the People, we collectively confess our sins as we conclude the Liturgy of the Word with the Peace. The Peace is a greeting time intended for all present to make peace with one another before partaking of Holy Communion together. Some announcements are made prior to moving into the Liturgy of the Table.

The Liturgy of the Table

Each week, the Liturgy of the Table begins with offering our gifts to God. Far from a donation collection, passing the plate recognizes that all we have is received from God. In gratitude, we offer a tithe (or tenth) or more back to him. The ushers also bring forward the congregation’s “gifts” of bread and wine.