Youth Encounter
Mission St. James and All Saints youth gather weekly during the school year on Wednesday evenings for prayer, food, games, and bible instruction and catechism. During the summer we have a limited number of announced trips and retreats. It is our hope to start separate classes for middle and high school students in the fall, and to start adding in music worship each week. Time: 5:45-7:45 Location: All Saints Anglican Church or TBA off campus locations.
Interested in having your child join us? Email Fr. Kevin Vailes to be added to the communication group.
Recovery Through Christ (RTC) is a recovery program in which Jesus Christ is the higher power and the Bible is the ultimate authority for obtaining peace in a life filled with struggles, hardships, dysfunctions, and addictions. The RTC program promotes spiritual and emotional healing through a combination of God’s Word and the 12 steps of recovery. This effective blend teaches you to react to the struggles of life in a healthy way instead of suppressing, coping, numbing, or simply avoiding reality. Through the program, you can learn how to carry your burdens (Matt 11:28-30), retrain your thought patterns (2 Cor. 10:3-5), and overcome your own great tribulations of life (Rev. 7:13-14). Our goal is to give you the tools you need in order to react to the struggles of life in a godly manner.
Interested in Recovery Through Christ? Email Bryan Welborn for more information.
The Blessing Place
The Blessing Place at the Mission Abbey is where we pursue the presence of Jesus to bless and heal through prayer. It's a place where all are welcomed to receive prayer for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing from Jesus. It's a place where the Gospel message is honored and confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessing and Healing Prayer is available every Tuesday from 12–2 pm at 212 McClellan Road, Jackson, TN 38305. No appointment necessary. Just show up at the address below and someone from the prayer team will be waiting to welcome you!
Interested in receiving prayer? Visit www.blessingplace.net for more information.